At Spirit of the Republic, we speak a lot about government. We will take a step back here and look at some early thoughts on different forms of government. The first person to reflect upon forms of government may also be regarded
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In a previous article, we encountered Madison’s thoughts on how to control faction within a community. We touched on the idea of letting groups flourish to counteract each other. Finally, we touched on how the structure of a federal republic might control
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In a free society, people have the right to organize themselves to advocate for their policy preferences. Policy preferences may be based on a variety of different things. Among these are religious or philosophical beliefs, self-interest, or loyalty to some group such
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The late Harvard philosopher, John Rawls, wrote one of the most influential works in 20th century political thought — his 1971 book, A Theory of Justice. Twenty-two years later, he updated some of his ideas from A Theory of Justice with in
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In a previous article, we discussed how the electoral college works. In another, we discussed what happens if it fails to produce a majority for President or Vice President. A lot of people wonder why we have the electoral college. Many wonder
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