SALT Deduction: Keep It or End It?
The State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction was an issue in 2017 as Congress was considering tax reforms. It has re-emerged in 2025 as tax changes are on the table again.
Policy, History, and Philosophy
The State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction was an issue in 2017 as Congress was considering tax reforms. It has re-emerged in 2025 as tax changes are on the table again.
The tax code has two different mechanisms to reduce the amount of tax due from a taxpayer. They are the tax credit and the tax deduction. They work a little differently, but is one better than the other?
Black History Month is celebrated in February each year. Where did it come from, and should we be celebrating it?
We continue our look into retirement funding issues. While we generally think of retirement savings in preparing for retirement, we must also think of healthcare. Healthcare expenses in retirement can be devastating, especially since retirement incomes typically cannot be bumped up to
We previously wrote about shortcomings in Social Security and why it should be reimagined. Today, we examine some issues with personal retirement savings that people can use to help prepare for retirement. Social Security was never intended to be a comprehensive retirement